React for Beginners #14 — Building and Deploying a Create React App App

Lukie Kang
6 min readDec 5, 2018


This is part 14 of my React Learning series. Using knowledge gleaned from Wes Bos’ React for Beginners.

In the React for Beginners series we have been using create-react-app to get ourselves up and running with React. However there comes a time where every fledgling app must leave the nest. This post gives an overview of how to productionise your app.

The main steps are as follows:

  1. Run the Build Script to build our production ready app
  2. Configure and Deploy to a Hosting Provider

And, it’s not required, finally we will look at how to eject from create-react-app so it is converted into just a plain old react app which is more configurable for more advanced users.

Building our App for Production

This process strips away any development specific features, compresses and optimises our application to a format that is ready to deploy into production.

Stop the App

The first step is to stop the application from running if it currently is. Easy enough I hope.

Build Our App

In our package.json file we have a script called build we can run to magically make our build we run it with:

npm run build

This will take a few moments to run but you should end up with a new build folder in the root folder of your application.

The Build Folder

We can explore the build folder and see what has happened. The main things are:

  • The folder structure of before, and node modules have been replaced by a more standardised one.
  • All the React code has been squished into one super efficient JS file
  • A source map file which helps devs navigate through it to the source files should errors occur
  • Some service workers have been set up, which can aid offline use but that’s probably for a blog post next year!

The build folder is almost a static site, what we want to put onto a server somehow. There is one catch: the server needs to be made aware that any routing should redirect to the root so that the client, with React Router handles it on the page

Deploying to Hosting Services

Now that we have our app built for production, we need somewhere to put it. This section goes through the basic steps of deploying to some of the different hosting providers out there, bearing in mind the little catch we just mentioned and that, over time, these services will change how they do things.

Deploying to Now

That’s pretty minimalist. I like it…

Now from Zeit software. This is a service you can use to easily bring sites up from your own server. We do need to tweak our app to use a package that will allow it to be served correctly on the Now service.

  1. Install Now via you command line — npm i -g now This will install the now command globally.
  2. Install serve into the app — npm i serve This is a package to let us serve it with the right options.
  3. In package.json rename the Start script to Dev - This is because we are making a new start command that uses serve.
  4. Make the new start script — "start" : "serve --single ./build This uses serve to run it as a single page application in the build folder.
  5. Run Now in the command line — now (you might need to register) to start deploying the site.

This should now have your application up and running a temporary url. You can configure this somewhat, but I will leave that to the Now Documentation to explain.

Deploying to Netlify

How many triangles in that logo?

Netlify is a relatively new kid on the block which I think is very easy to use and very highly recommended.

  1. Install the Netlify Command Line Tool globally — npm i netlify -g
  2. Deploy using Netlify from the Root App folder — netlify deploy. Specify build as the current path to deploy.

All done? Nope!

If we refresh the page it will break as it cannot handle the routing. To fix this we need to create a redirects file in the build folder that will configure the routing to act as a single page application. This info can be found in the Netlify docs.

  1. In the build folder create a file called _redirects
  2. Open it up and add the following: /* /index.html 200 which instructs netlify to always point to index.html with a 200 status code.
  3. Netlify deploy again from the Root App folder

Netlify is now happily running the app. If you did things right.

Deploying to Apache

Decent logo, cant complain

An apache server, such as what you might get from GoDaddy is a possible destination for your react app. One main gotcha is that its highly recommended to deploy a React app as a subdomain rather than a folder else the routing gets screwed up.

  1. Upload the build files to the server via FTP, its a good idea to use the same folder name on both.

And it will work right? Nope… you guessed it, the redirects will not work. To fix this on an Apache server do the following:

  1. In the server’s root app folder, make a file called .htaccess
  2. Open it up and add the following:

RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^index.html$ — [L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule . /index.html [L]

That basically forces itself to redirect back to index.html. A bit like the Netlify redirect but using more words.

It’s not like you are going to remember the exact steps for every hosting method, but its important to appreciate the common things that can go wrong when its a single page application. If you have certain server type then you can just google your server/hosting type plus single page app and you should find a configuration that works.

Final Step — Sorting out Firebase

To make authentication work fully regardless of which host you use, there is one thing left to do with Firebase.

Firebase needs to know what domains it is going to used from. So whatever domain is chosen we must tell Firebase that is the case.

  1. Go to []
  2. Go to the Authentication Section
  3. Under available domains enter your new domain

Once you have done that, your React app should be up and running and ready to take on the world!

Ejecting from Create-React-App

Finally, lets imagine a scenario where we need a little bit more control than Create-React-App allows. Eject allows us to strip away all the training wheels and show thing as they really are. I am definitely not at the stage where this is helpful to me but for completeness this is what you do…

The command is simple: npm run eject

It will now eject your app out of create-react-app!

If you look in package.json now, you have a huge list of packages! You also have access to the Webpack to do all sorts of tweaks to your App.

Final Conclusion

That’s the end of the React series. If you found this semi-useful, you’ll love the course it was based upon. Certainly I consider myself somewhat comfortable with React and the way it structures a web app.

There is still more fancy things to learn but this is enough info to help get a React app up and running. While I have been writing this (and an app using what I have learnt), React has changed. The context API and React Hooks are two things I am particularly interested in looking at at some point.

Whenever I focus on a new framework/library/tool/tech I feel like my core JS/Problem Solving skills get a bit stale, so I expect my next posts will be focused on the more down-to-earth stuff.

