React for Beginners #10 — Using React with localStorage.

Lukie Kang
4 min readOct 28, 2018


This seemed like the most popular image for localstorage if you search for on Google. I really couldn’t think of much else….

This is part 10 of my React Learning series. Using knowledge gleaned from [Wes Bos’ React for Beginners](

In the last post, we used Firebase to have some grocery store items saving in a remote database.

Along a similar thought process, we can leverage localStorage to store the user’s order so that it isn’t just completely lost when they refresh or close the browser. You see this kind of thing all the time when, for example, on shopping sites, you can add an order to your basket and it will remember what you had if you close down the browser, even if you haven’t logged on.

Lets break it down the basic questions we will need to answer on the way:

  • What is localStorage
  • When to save to localStorage
  • What to save to localStorage
  • How to save to localStorage
  • How to retrieve from localStorage
  • When to display from localStorage

I think I am going to get really tired of writing localStorage by the end of this post.

What is localStorage?

localStorage or window.localStorage is a read-only property that provides access to a Storage object that is saved between browser sessions for that site. It is the sister of sessionStorage which, as the title says, exists while the page session does. As it uses object notation, it wants things as a key value pair.

This MDN Article explains it in more detail.

How can we use localStorage?

Playing with localStorage is fairly simple, it only has a few self-explanatory methods:

We can Add by doing a setItem:

localStorage.setItem("myName", "James")

We can Read by doing getItem:


We can Remove by doing removeItem:


You can remove everything with a clear


When to use localStorage

Whenever a user changes their order we want to send the new value to localStorage. Since React updates a component whenever we make a change to it’s state, there is a lifecycle method we can use calledcomponentDidUpdate()

What to save to localStorage

We can’t just save just one order object as we are using a different set of orders per store so we need to include the store as the key, and the relevant order as the property. Handily, this is a param provided to us via react router:

Slight gotcha here… Of Objects and Strings

localStorage wants the key and property to be a string, however this.state.order is an object so you will instead see [Object object] how do we fix that?


And conversely, we need to do JSON.parse to bring it back as an object at a later point.

You should now have your order going into localStorage.

Reading the localStorage on Mount

While we can get things into localStorage, when we refresh the page, the order in state is blank again. That is because the componentDidMount() method, triggers an componentDidUpdate() to nothing. To fix this we need to reinstate localStorage as part of the component mounting:

  1. First pick up the localStorage string from params: const localStorageRef = localStorage.getItem(params.storeId);
  2. Secondly, set the state while converting it to an object this.setState({ order: JSON.parse(localStorageRef)})

Asynchronous issues

Now that we have the order being read on mounting we will encounter another issue.

localStorage is now carrying an order which refers to groceries which, in our previous post, is coming from Firebase. since Firebase is cloud-hosted, it will never be ready before the data from localStorage needs it. It will say something like cannot read Status of undefined

How do we fix that?

The update that contains the information from Firebase only takes a moment to arrive so here it is a case of holding off working on the values till it has loaded. The offending line is in the Order Component:

const isAvailiable = grocery.status === "availiable";

We can change that to:

const isAvailiable = grocery && grocery.status === "availiable"

However, for the split second it takes for the data to arrive, the order will display the message saying the item is unavailable which is messy, so a smarter way is to simply say:

if(!grocery) return null

This wont render anything till we have the database of groceries ready to go.


Using localStorage is a fairly straightforward process, there is just a few gotchas you need to be aware of. The worse of which is the timing spectate around accessing the database. A good understanding of lifecycle methods in React helps with this…perhaps that’s a post for another time.

